+49 89 288 139 0

Marc Pütz-Poulalion

Attorney at Law (Germany) – Partner

Certified IP Lawyer

Marc Pütz-Poulalion advises companies on trade mark and design law, copyright law and competition law. His work includes court proceedings, in particular concerning the infringement of intellectual property rights, as well as official proceedings concerning the existence or cancellation of registered rights. He conducts proceedings for his clients up to the Federal Court of Justice and in proceedings concerning European industrial property rights up to the European Court of Justice.

He also specialises in health product law, including the law on the advertising in the field of health, cosmetics law and the law on beauty products in general. He advises companies comprehensively on the admissibility of claims in advertising, be it beauty-related claims for cosmetics or advertising claims for medicinal products and food supplements.

Marc Pütz-Poulalion studied in Cologne and Paris with further training in New York City and Montreal, Canada. From his work as an in-house lawyer for international brand companies, he knows the entrepreneur’s view of brands and brand processes. From his more than 20 years of experience as a lawyer in disputes before trade mark offices and courts, he knows the risks and pitfalls of contentious proceedings and knows when to conduct proceedings and when it is better to avoid them. He is fluent in three languages (French, German, English) and conducts proceedings at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in all three languages.

Recently, Marc Pütz-Poulalion successfully obtained a six-figure compensation amount for a client in a trade mark case. In a much-noticed decision of the Federal Court of Justice (after two referrals to the ECJ), he obtained a groundbreaking judgement for his client on questions of tobacco advertising (Federal Court of Justice & ECJ, Pro Rauchfrei I and Pro Rauchfrei II). In addition, he recently obtained the retransfer of an unlawfully transferred domain by way of an interim injunction. He has been involved in numerous fundamental decisions, including the enforcement of colour marks and the registration of a tactile mark.

He has particular experience in taking over proceedings that have run into difficult waters: Proceedings that take an unfavourable course, whether as a result of sub-optimal advice or conduct of proceedings, or due to other circumstances. The aim is to find ways, even in seemingly deadlocked situations, to give the dispute a new twist or to significantly strengthen one’s own negotiating position.

Marc Pütz-Poulalion regularly publishes on trade mark law, design law, domain law and the law on the advertising in the field of health.

»In trade mark and design law, the focus is on protecting your brand identity and products. As a lawyer, I effectively defend your trade mark and preserve the uniqueness of your products. From preventing similar trade mark registrations to resolutely enforcing your rights in court – because protecting your brand and products is not an option, but a long-term investment in the success of your company.«

ChatGPT, 2023 AD.

Presentations or Publications (selection)

  • Design law: Socken in Pizzakartons
    Comments on the ECJ decision 06.09.2023 – T-492/22, GRUR-RS 2023, 22934 – Socken in Pizzakartons, in: GRUR-Prax 2023
  • Trade mark law: Verwechslungsgefahr aufgrund klanglicher Zeichenähnlichkeit
    Commend on the German Federal Patent Court, decision 8.3.2023 – 29 W (pat) 514/21, GRUR-RS 2023, 10824 – goki/Xoki, in: GRUR-Prax 2023, 494
  • Drug advertising law: Zum Begriff des operativen plastisch-chirurgischen Eingriffs gem. § 1 II c HWG
    Comments on the Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf, decision 17.2.2022 – 15 U 24/21, GRUR 2022, 1768 – Brazilian Butt Lift, in: GRUR-Prax 2023, 179
  • Trade mark law: Prüfungskompetenz des EuG nach Widerspruch aus bekannter Marke
    Comments to the ECJ decision 28.4.2021– T-644/19 (EUIPO), VertiLight, in: GRUR-Prax 2021, 479
  • Trade mark law: Zur Aussetzung der Verletzungsklage nach § 148 ZPO bei beantragter Löschung der deutschen Klagemarke
    Comments on the Higher Regional Court Frankfurt a. M., decision 10.12.2020 – 6 W 126/20, in: GRUR-Prax 2021, 107
  • Trade mark law: La contestation en reféré du dépôt d’une marque contrefaite : le cas de l’Allemagne
    in : Propriété Industrielle – Revue Mensuelle LexisNexis Jurisclasseur – Mars 2012, S. 11 ff (with M. Bouscant)
  • Trade mark law: La saisie en référé de marchandises contrefaites dans le cadre des salons professionnels en Allemagne (Trade fair order)
    Institut de Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle: Tribune Libre, November 2011 (with M. Bouscant)
  • Domain law : L’originalité du système de récupération du nom de domaine en extension <.de > (zone Allemagne)
    in : Revue Lamy Droit de l’immateriel, Juillet 2011, p. 77 et seq. (with M. Bouscant)
  • Trade mark law: La contestation en reféré du dépôt d’une marque contrefaite : le cas de l’Allemagne
    in: Propriété Industrielle – Revue Mensuelle LexisNexis Jurisclasseur – Mars 2012, S. 11 ff (with M. Bouscant)
  • Stöckel, Handbuch Marken- und Designrecht (co-author)
    Sections to Domain law and Trade mark and product counterfeiting (1st to 3rd edition, 2004 to 2013)

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